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Waelcomeeee to maiii kitchennnnn... we have banainais... and avocaedies...

So uh I'm gonna try working on this in my spare time because I straight up just hate the modern internet and i want to go live in a cave lmao :-)

My intentions for this site is to maybe show parts of my Quollection, in a space that's separate to my tumblr nonsense lmao (because quite frankly nobody needs to see that), and to also just generally use this as an escape from whatever the the internet is now ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

I'm gonna work on the visual aspects of the site over the coming days I think, changing colours and making it my own thang (the link to the layout builder I used is up in the top bar). I'm a very visual learner so I guess it's easier for me to pick something pre-built apart so I can learn how this html/css stuff goes together. It's better than looking at a blank af white screen at least.